Friday 25 July 2014

Fifty Shades of Grey

If you haven't read the fifty shades of grey novel then maybe you should before the movie comes out next year, February. I am the biggest fan and I can't hold my excitement! I can't believe it has come to life. It makes my stomach tremble...literally! I fell in love with Mr. Grey and started fantasising about him as soon as I read the book. It is very affectionate, I can't wait to see how intense it will be. If the book has a great effect by just reading it then the movie will make it rain baby! 

Friday 18 July 2014

What do you see when you look in the mirror?

Often we look in the mirror with one eye, avoiding to spot the things we hate about ourselves.
So, this is my John Legend week and I just want to share my perception of this album and what it says to me. I am truly in love and I can't contain it! I hope I am not over doing it but sharing what might change how we view life and its challenges as women. I came across this video explaining women's issues. We all have issues and dealing with them is the greatest achievement we can get for ourselves.

I just love the message behind it. Self-love, appreciation and courage is all the beauty we'll find in the world. There will always be women who are more prettier, bolder, richer, thinner, thicker, funnier and all the other things we constantly compare ourselves to that bring nothing but pain and discouragement to us. When we look in the mirror we should be able to smile and love the people we see, if not then we should change it if we can. No one will tell you how beautiful you are when you don't tell the person you see in the mirror how beautiful she is.

I am Paballo Seipei and the person I see in the mirror is God's beautiful creation.

Tuesday 15 July 2014

The beginning - John Legend

John Legend and I
 I envision this song playing on the night of my honey moon one day. Or maybe the whole album because it sounds like a marriage album. That will be the beginning of a chapter in my life turned into reality. "Last night was the last night you'll ever spend alone." After i get married, i won't spend the night alone again! Promising huh? 👫  Most women dream of marriage and I too fall under that category. "The beginning", is my second love on this John Legend album! It's official I am going to his concert for my Birthday in November, I can't wait to see him again!
I listen to him and his voice makes me want to share my love. If his voice can make an ordinary girl like me feel things, i don't know how his wife copes with him! God bless him and his marriage, may they last till death do them apart!

"It's the beginning of forever
You don't have to go
Sometimes you just know
It's the beginning of forever
It don't have to end
Keep doing it, and doing it again, oh"

I am Paballo Seipei and I love John Legend!

Monday 14 July 2014

John Legend - You & I Nobody In The World)

My first love on this John Legend album! You and I (Nobody in the world), this song just brings nostalgia to the core of it's existence. It takes me back to how I feel when I am with my significant other and no one around us. The talks, the laughter, the kisses, the warmth is just out of this world. The beat on the song, the lyrics and the love makes me want to fly to him. The song feels like a soundtrack of our settings when we are with our significant others. Nothing could possibly go wrong.  When it feels good, you just want to hide away from everything else and enjoy each others company. If a man says, "Out of all the girls. You my one and only girl. Ain't nobody in the world tonight," then they make you feel special and loved. All you want is for those words to be meaningful and last forever. I listen to this and I feel like I'm in a new relationship. Whenever I think of love and how it makes me feel, I fall in all over again.

I am Paballo Seipei and I am in Love!

Wednesday 25 June 2014

My philosophy for a happy life

I came across this video seeking for a little bit of motivation. I wanted to compalin about something that is going on in  my life. Then I thought of those who don't  have the voice of complaining and I called myself into order by going through YouTube to search for something meaningful to share with you.

I am fully motivated. I am left with thoughts that came to my mind while watching this wonderful video. I felt like sometimes when we complain we don't know why we do so because there are people who face more difficulties than we do. We'll complain about how long we walk home from school or work forgetting that there are people who would do anything to get a pair of legs. We'll complain about how "fat" we are when some need those extra kilos to survive. Or even complain about how our neighbours get rich when we get poorer but never think of doing anything productive with our lives.

Maybe we should complain about how much we complain to realise how irritating we are. No one has a perfect life but those who look perfect to those who think they are imperfect know how to smile when things are tough. Let us learn to appreciate  more and complain less. whenever you think of being negative to yourself think of what would happen if you didn't have what you are complaining about.

I am Paballo Seipei and I found a philosophy of a happy life.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

We all face difficulties

When things go wrong, take time to be alone and just think.

Sometimes we go to sleep stressed out, not knowing what we are going to do the next day. Sometimes we don’t even wish to see the next day because things might be going so wrong that death seems beautiful. We face difficulties that seem like they can’t be fixed and don’t know where to start. But, we eventually take a sleep after a long time of thinking, leading to mind exhaustion. 

We think of ways to get through what we are facing and come up with decisions that we want to implement the next day. Some are lucky to wake up with a new view of life and some continue with their misery but the day comes and it has to be faced. What we need to learn is that time doesn’t stay still and wait for us to recover. We might be going through hell but time will pass and days will go. I just woke up realising that life is bigger than what we go through and life won’t feel sorry for us. So, let us not feel sorry for ourselves and do what needs to be done.

I am blessed to see another day and to realise that some people face more difficulties than I do; therefore I am taking each day as it comes. 

Good morning world, I am Paballo Seipei and I am taking each day as a blessing. #Peace

Thursday 5 June 2014

Top ten tips to being a good mother

Motherhood is quite a full time job and comes with a lot of responsibilities. Sometimes we think we are best at what we do until we get criticised by other mothers who think they are super mothers. So what are we to do to become good mothers to our kids? Follow these simple tips: 

1. Listen to our kids
2. Play with them
3. Be a big part of their daily activities
4. Give them balanced meals
5. Read with them
6.Teach them how to pray
7. Embrace their ideas right/ wrong
8. Download play cards, story books and rhymes  for them 
9. Have a good relationship with people around us
10. Teach them basic hygiene skills 

Children are simple beings and want simple things. Love is the simplest thing to give to a child. By implementing these simple tips, we are heading to having good relationships with them. Try them and enjoy the changes to come.