Friday 18 July 2014

What do you see when you look in the mirror?

Often we look in the mirror with one eye, avoiding to spot the things we hate about ourselves.
So, this is my John Legend week and I just want to share my perception of this album and what it says to me. I am truly in love and I can't contain it! I hope I am not over doing it but sharing what might change how we view life and its challenges as women. I came across this video explaining women's issues. We all have issues and dealing with them is the greatest achievement we can get for ourselves.

I just love the message behind it. Self-love, appreciation and courage is all the beauty we'll find in the world. There will always be women who are more prettier, bolder, richer, thinner, thicker, funnier and all the other things we constantly compare ourselves to that bring nothing but pain and discouragement to us. When we look in the mirror we should be able to smile and love the people we see, if not then we should change it if we can. No one will tell you how beautiful you are when you don't tell the person you see in the mirror how beautiful she is.

I am Paballo Seipei and the person I see in the mirror is God's beautiful creation.

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