Monday 11 August 2014

Deja Vu

If you had an opportunity to change the past what would you change?

I watched Deja Vu last night and I was left with so much joy. Victory if I may claim. I wanted to understand why so many people find it cryptic.  I analysed and finally understood the movie! Boy it felt so great! If felt like I won the lottery. It's quite simple, Deja Vu is a time travel/ sci-fi/ thriller type of movie. The aim of Doug Carlin (the main actor) is to change the future in the past. He wants to save a woman's life and change the terrorist's plan to bomb the ship.

I guess we get the privilege to see these movies to eradicate the wonders of thinking of what 'could've happened' and 'what might happen'. Most of us wish we could change things but know that there are minimal changes of that happening. We have movies like Deja Vu or Next to give us that satisfaction or gratification of 'maybe' being a possibility. We can never change the past nor predict the future although there are people who posses the power to predict the future like Credo Muntwa. Well, as for us who have no powers what-so-ever we can only live by faith because tomorrow is a mystery.

I am Paballo Seipei. I know tomorrow is a mystery but I live hoping that tomorrow comes.

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