There are a few highlights of his first week at crèche. I must mention that he was very excited to wake up, bath, eat and wait for his transport to collect him. The first thing that lingered on his mind the first day from crèche, was the cow he saw at my nephew's school. He couldn't stop telling his dad about it, how he wanted to ride it and it being in a garage. The second thing or rather the person he spoke about was their transport and transporter, "Malome Thabiso". He is very fond of him and I'm glad because he doesn't hesitate to wake up and leave us. He even wakes up the minute he hears me run my bath. He's an early bird! We are all proud of him, mostly because we didn't expect him to be so excited about it and he has proved us wrong.

When I say we, I mean me, Kgolo, my parents and his parents. We have all been very good parents to him. I don't want to take the credit for my son's upbringing because I didn't play mommy most of his infant life. In fact, Kgolo and I don't have any parenting experience whatsoever because we've had a very good support system. He worked far and I had to go back to school. It has always been my parents who have taken care of him from when I had to go back to college a month after his birth, to the day I got my internship and then my current job. There was no break inbetween college and work. I don't really have the experience of true motherhood but I'm not complaining. I'm glad that I'm blessed with the ultimate support from my parents, my boyfriend, my close family and my boyfriend's parents. These people play the most important roles in my son's life and I must point out that his first day at crèche felt like one of the few days that I was really a mother to him. I prepared the whole thing and went there with him. His life has began and my life as the real mom has also began.
Bokamoso's life has been a blessing and I want him to know when he's old enough to understand that he is a blessing from God and should appreciate what he has. We are preparing him for the world out there and we want him to enjoy the little things that we didn't have the previlige of enjoying growing up. He has a beautiful, bright future ahead and should make wise choices!
Enjoy it Bokkie!